I remember it like it was yesterday, 23rd June 1975. My first day of operation was the realisation that it was up to me, and me alone. I was a one man band about to live or die on the success or failure of my new business, Glen Cameron Trucking. I had commitments now, rent was a staggering $18 per week for the 8 x 10 foot office inside a 1920s cool store that had a door at one end and a small window at the other and a bare unsealed timber floor. I had bought a second hand desk and chair, a rubbish bin, some pens and a stapler and that was it. I didn’t even have a telephone (thanks to a delay by Telecom installers) and was forced to use the public phone box 100 meters away to communicate with my customers and drivers.

I had come from a transport industry background and had some contacts with some sub-contractors and potential customers. Each I had given a commitment to that if they gave me a “shot” I wouldn’t let them down. I’d pay my subbies quickly and I’d provide my customers with a first class service at a competitive price.

My first job on that day (that I had arranged prior to start up) was for a company called Diversey in Barry Road Bayswater. There were a number of deliveries and the truck started at 7.30am and finished back at Bayswater at 1pm. Total cost $46.20.

I had organized 2 other jobs on that day and as a consequence, the total revenue became $104.50.

After paying my subbies, I had covered my rent. Just. 45 years later and a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I have made many friends, had a wonderful time building a business that I’m proud of and I have the satisfaction in knowing that my business has supported many families and given many people an opportunity to grow.

It hasn’t been an easy journey but I’ve had a lot of fun and I look forward to the future to see what we are capable of and what influence this business can have on its people, suppliers, customers, and the industry in general.

On that first day 45 years ago, I used subbie named Paul Curran (PJ) and guess what, he’s still here today.